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Student items - general


Letter written by members of Student Centennial Planning Committee

Student Centennial Planning Committee

Three students headed a Student Centennial Planning Committee, and they wrote a letter to the future students of BV. Photographs were also taken when they placed items in the vault; some of them can be viewed on the Centennial and General Interest page. Many of the photographs sustained a great deal of water damage.



Fall 1991 issues of The Tack


Paste-up of two pages of a Tack issue


Tack editors from 1991-1992 write to Tack editors of 2091-2092.

 The Tack


These fall 1991 issues of The Tack are full of mold, but clean copies can be viewed in the BVU Archives.







This is a "paste-up" of two pages from one of the issues. Before desktop publishing and long before web publishing, stories were typset into "galleys," printed, trimmed, and run through a machine that placed liquid wax on the backs of articles. The wax allowed the galleys to be affixed to special camera-ready layout sheets. Once the sheets were finished, they were photographed and the negatives of those pages were "burned" onto metal plates. These plates were fastened onto a large printing press, where print copies were made.


The Tack editors of 1991-1992 anticipate many changes for the future of the campus newspaper.


Accounting Club book

 Accounting Club


This book, the GAAP Guide, was donated by the Accounting Club. GAAP stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.


Cover of songbook used by Limited Edition Singers


Program cover for the Limited Edition Singers

Limited Edition Singers

Little is known about the Limited Edition Singers, except that they were a swing choir on campus. The group performed Disney songs and assembled a program for the 1991-1992 academic year. They deposited a "Little Mermaid" songbook and a program (with a hand-designed cover) in the time capsule.











 The cover is made of pink construction paper.


International Club photos

InternationalClubPhoto2Fixed.jpg InternationalClubFixed.jpg

International Club roster

International Club

Water has damaged the photos of International Club members.



The club included a list of its members, as seen below.


Commuter list


Iowa map placed in Time Capsule by Commuters group

Off-Campus Student Association (Commuters)

Commuters to BV classes organized themselves and put together a list of all students who did not live on campus. Personally identifiable information has been hidden.




The group also included an Iowa map which showed the towns where everyone lived.


Alph Mu Gamma certificate

Alpha Mu Gamma

This certificate verifies that Buena Vista College became part of Alpha Mu Gamma, the national collegiate foreign language honor society on November 7, 1991.


Wrestling poster


Wrestling Team photo


Wrestling Team roster

Wrestling Team items

The wrestling team deposited a poster, a team photograph, and a list of their members.

The poster sustained water damage and is warped.


1984 softball


Softball jersey


Note about softball team and jersey


1992 softball

Softball Team items

The 1991-1992 softball team deposited various items in the time capsule, including a softball from the 1984 championship season.


Chamber Choir program at Carnegie Hall


Carnegie Hall Stagebill


Chamber Choir at Carnegie Hall cassette tape

Chamber Choir performs at Carnegie Hall

The Chamber Choir enjoyed the honor of performing at Carnegie Hall in New York City in 1991. They also deposited a cassette tape of their performance.
















It is unknown if the tape can still be played or if it has degraded over the years.



Science Club

The Science Club provided a humorous poster, which club members autographed. The poster is water-damaged.


ACES poster (front)


ACES poster, back


ACES attendance card


ACES line-up of performers


ACES calendar

ACES items

ACES stands for Academic and Cultural Events Series and provides students with rich opportunities to hear speakers, see performances, and deepen their understanding of themselves and the world.






The poster sustained water damage.




Key ACES personnel autographed the back.








Students were expected to fill out a form to show attendance at an event; the form asked for Social Security numbers! It also sustained water damage.















The ACES letter listed the planned events for the year.









The ACES calendar sustained the greatest damage.


OURS documents


OURS documents

Overcoming Unequal Roles and Sexism (OURS)

A group called Overcoming Unequal Roles and Sexism (OURS) existed at the time of the Centennial. Its members deposited various items of interest into the time capsule.


Framed object


Close-up of text

People for People

People for People was a campus ministries organization that was responsible for starting the Christmas dinner tradition in 1987. The first dinner was a small affair, involving just a few dozen people, but they started something that has grown into a huge campus event.


We think the student in the front row, on the far right, is Matt Nieman. Are we correct?

Unidentified group of students

Nothing is known about this photograph. If you have any information to share about the identity or purpose of this group or if you can identify individuals in the photo, click on the image and scroll to the bottom of the page. You'll find a Comments section where you can help identify the group or the individuals pictured. If you prefer, you may contact the BVU Archives at 712-749-2086 or


Political Society note


Political Society sign


Political Society flag, autographed

Political Society

The Political Society took a stand on issues of concern.




Intervarsity Christian Fellowship sponsored a group called Sojourn; it was also an ACES event.


Staff list


Top 30 Countdown



KBVC radio station

KBVC was the radio station until Buena Vista College became Buena Vista University in 1995. After that point, it became known as KBVU.

Here is the list of department heads of KBVC in 1991-1992.







Here is the KBVC Top 30 Countdown for popular music for the week of November 4, 1991.






A cup promoting KBVC radio.


Vinyl record


Back of album cover, listing selections played

Jazz Ensemble

President Keith Briscoe actually donated this item, from the 1978-1979 academic year, a sound recording on vinyl of the BV Jazz Ensemble.


Homecoming 1991 button

Homecoming button


This Homecoming button is barely recognizable; water damage and mold have obscured the artwork.


Computer monitor and keyboard


A 12 1/2-inch computer monitor manufactured by Falco Data Products of Sunnyvale, California, and a keyboard with no manufacturer identified. The spacebar is missing, and corrosion is evident.

1991 yearbook


The BV yearbook, first known as The Rudder, began publishing in 1907 and was suspended after 1937. When the yearbook resumed publication in 1947, it was renamed The Beaver Log. Later known as the Log, the yearbook enjoyed steady publication until the mid-1970s, when interest began to falter, and it began a sporadic publishing pattern. After the 1985 yearbook, there was a gap until 1989, when a video yearbook was published. It was followed by a slim, paperback yearbook in 1990. The 1991 yearbook was a traditional yearbook, followed by another gap. The last yearbook was published in 1999. How is the collective BV student experience being captured these days?


Student magazine


The Dambuster featured student writing and art.


SAB cup

Student Activities Board (SAB) cup

The Student Activities Board partnered with Mountain Dew to sponsor "Entertainment Tour 91-92."